TERMS OF CINOFILIA Within the show dogs, there are many terms that are difficult to understand for lay people, for people who are not familiar. Some terms have similarity between the races, but also have different meanings between races are not equal.
Vaulted: part of the animal's body which features convex profile
Auburn: intense red color
Aggressive: tendency that the dog has to attack unprovoked.
Alano: Great Dane used in the Middle Ages for large game animals (wild boar, bear, wolf). Are recognized three types of Alans (sec. XVII) the gentle alano (near lebrel), the butcher (guard and cowboy) and Vautre alano (near mastiff).
Pads: pads cushioning the foot, covered with epidermis horny, thick, irregular and quite pigmentation.
Gait: Dog locomotion mode (walk, trot, canter).
Fluent Gait: vivacity of movements.
Easy Gait carried out without apparent difficulty.
Regular Gait: Constant speed and equal steps.
Gait aplomb: when the anterior and posterior limbs of the same side rise and land at the same time.
Wire: very hard and coarse hair.
Sand:very light yellow color, a result of the dilution of fawn.
Harlequin: tinted coat with irregular patches or sprinkled on a gray or blue background, or white with black spots (.. Tinted white with black ex .: Dane Harlequin, gray with irregular ex .: teckel spots) This term is used for continental races.
Bandy: presenting convex shape
Snub:short and raised nose or snout.
Rough:the hard, tough weather.
Seated: From what holds together the skin, lying horizontally.
Blue: diluting the resulting color black.
Bumble: Cross movement dog's body with every step.
Barb: fold of skin on the lower part of the neck at the level of the throat and may extend to the brisket.
Basset: type of dog that has the body similar to that of most other from whom, supported by shortened limbs
Belton: Speckled white coat of thin spots or mottled.
Bichon: French word derived from barbichon, a small companion dog of the long or short, beaded or plain.
Bicolor: Coat two different colors.
Blenheim: oat characterized by the absence of pigment in the Dog.
Cowboy: Dog used to drive cattle.
Brachet: medieval designation for hound dog of medium size and the shallow.
Braco: point of the hard dog.
Bragadas: by abundant on the thighs, outer thighs down below.
Brachycephalic: short head dog, large and round. (ex .: Bulldog)
Braquiúro: dog whose tail is naturally short. (ex .: Pembroke)
Brevilíneo: Dog squat proportions and compressed body.
Doggie bush: dog hunting in the woods, which amazes the prey, but not hold it neither pursues. (synonymous with lifter)
Camalha: the long and abundant covering the neck and shoulders.
Pointing Dog: dog freezes when it senses the proximity of prey, pointing at her.
Blood Trail Dog: specialized hunting dog in search of big game (large dog) wound, also called for blood, because it follows the trail of blood left by the animal.
Dog Tracker: pointing dog trained to hunt with nets.
Hound dog: dog drooping ears, has a good nose, chasing hunting.
Undercover: undercoat.
Carbon: background coat more or less clear (fawn or sand) shaded in black, brown or blue.
Brown: red or orange fawn.
Whip Tail: type of hunting dog's tail (tail end)
Tail on the Cob: tail or the tail end where the open like an ear of wheat..
Tail The point of reference for the tail length is the hock. (equivalent to heel the dog)
Short Tail: ends above the hock.
Medium Tail:it ends at the height of the hock.
Long Tail: ends below the hock
Tail Position: the typical race tail position can be: curled over the back (akita), horizontally and rounded, forming double or steep arc.
Withers: area between the neck and the back.
Flame: narrow white band, sometimes found on the forehead.
Chocolate:dark reddish brown color.
Chiselled: it is a muzzle or a head of pure lines with precise, sharp contours and well-designed reliefs. (synonymous with carved)
Cob: Compact dog, stocky with relatively short, strong and rounded members. ex .: Pug
Quail: white background coat with striped spots.
Neck: white label around the neck, around the neck.
Concave: dog presenting concave profile, depressed frontal bone, a flat face, a collapsed back.
Convex: dog with convex profile, arched frontal bone.
Flea Color: dark brown.
Buck: Red carbonaceous.
Jowl: the long and abundant covering the thighs. Designates sometimes the fringes of the back of the thighs.
Wedge-Shaped: that has the wedge-shaped which is tapering.
Faded: very toned color.
Dogue: large guard dog, large head, strong jaws. (ex .: short by the molossos)
Dolichocephalic: dog whose head is long and narrow. (ex .: greyhounds)
Empenachada: coat characterized by the presence of white spots on a single colored background.
Brush: like tail with the fox.
Tucked Up: very collected Ventre (ex .: Greyhound).
Star: white label with irregular contours on the forehead or on the chest.
Ergots: Side toe of the hind legs.
Umetric: Medium-sized dog.
Liver: brown.
Bellows: rib cage.
Fringe: by forming a long range in the contours of the shells of the ears, back of legs, tail and belly.
Fawn: yellow, marks "fire" are tawny. It can also mean mixture of white, red and black or brown.
Croap: Region of the basin.
Gaze: Eye depigmented, the depigmented part of gázeo eye is gray, light blue, blue-gray and sometimes whitish.
Griffin: pointing dog or hound of the long or semi long, bristly, shaggy or hairy.
Hypermetric: sized dog than average.
Isabel: very pale fawn, synonymous with sand.
Mane tie: the long, more or less raised, around the neck.
Leprosy: presence of depigmented areas.
Lifter: synonymous with bush dog, dog amazes without the chase hunting.
Lilac: cdilution resulting color of brown, beige variant.
Lemon: light yellow, light fawn.
Lista: white band located on the nasal canal and which generally extends to the forehead.
Wolf Color: fawn coat carbon or carbon sand.
Loins: lower back, between the spine and the hip.
Lanky: Unlike brevilíneo, dog elongated and slender body, with length exceeding the width.
Gloves: white marks on the limbs.
Coat: dark color on the back, different color from the rest of the body.
Mask: Dark color on the face.
Mastiff: any large guard dog, hunting or grazing.
Tinted: CKC showing irregular contours marks an undiluted pigment on a light background.
Mediolinear: Dog of medium proportions (synonymous with mesomorph).
Merle: Coat with irregular dark spots on a lighter background, often gray (continental dogs with this type of coat are called Harlequin, while the British breeds are called merle).
Molosso: large broad-headed guard dog, very powerful body and thick muscles.
Mosaic: set of white spots that invade from the end of a colored background.
Mottled: Coat presenting small splashes.
Multicolor:Coat of many colors, with juxtaposition of stains or colored areas.
Dwarfism:Harmonious decrease in all parts of a normal individual.
Nuance: degree of intensity that a color can have.
Numular: having currency format, refers to the Dalmatian stains.
Bones: set of bones and body parts.
Standard: description of the ideal model, the first standard canine was the bulldog, drafted in 1876.
Particolor: Coat with two or more different colors as well.
Insert:Rounded color brown stain on the forehead of the dog breeds: King Charles Spaniel and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. You can also designate the tawny markings above the eyes of black and tan dogs.
Cat walk (or cat paw): paw with round format.
Hare Foot: paw with elongated, narrow shape (typical collie).
Piriformis: pear-shaped.
Plate: Color stain covering a large surface on a white background.
Plastron: brisket..
Pointer: Dog point at shallow.
Dotted: the mixed mottled or speckled.
Black and Fire:black dog with tawny markings (tan), typical rottweiler.
Primitive: related to older dogs.
Undershot: prominent jaw. (typical bulldog).
Four Eyes: tawny dog that has marks on the eyes, black dogs and fire.
Brindle: Coat with more or less vertical dark stripes on a lighter background.
Shallow: at very short.
Collected: it is a short dog, stocky, compact.
Straight:dogs that have straight lines, the pointers and setters are straight.
Retriever: hunting dog that finds and collects the prey.
Rouen: Coat characterized by uniform mixture of the white with the red or tawny.
Ruby: deep red coat.
RubyDog: presence of white hairs in a coat that is not white.
Redhead:: : color between red and yellow, red.
Rustic: Dog that supports the weather, which does not require special care.
Bloodhound least: Dog nose very developed that seeks attached to a guide.
Speckled: White Coat appear where dots of color or colored coat with white dots.
Dry: Dry Head: Carved head, closely linked to bone and muscles flat skin.
Dry Lips: Thin and tight.
Setter: pointing dog of the British Isles.
Shaded: clear coat with dark parts.
Stop:Angle between the skull and the muzzle, formed by the frontal bone and the nasal.
Tan: synonym for fire.
Terrier: Dog hunting animals in holes, hunting underground.
Tricolor: coloring typical of the Bernese, the dog is almost all black, with white belly and brands "fire" on the face and legs.
Urajiro: white marks alongside the nose, cheeks, under the chin, neck, on the chest, abdomen, inner members and underside of the tail. This term is only used for Japanese breeds such as the Akita and Shiba.