Many breeds have actively participated in the history of human civilizations. Each race has contributed in some historical periods of humanity with one or more particular functions. Many dogs served as transportation, guard dog, hunters, shepherds, some were worshiped as gods, others killed in revolutions, and many traveled the world in The Age of Exploration, suffered from wars and fought in them. The history of the domestic dog is our history and seen from another point of view.
In Egypt the dogs were revered as knowledgeable of the secrets of another world, the ancient Greeks compared their dogs to the greyhounds of today like the gods of healing. There were temples that housed dozens of dogs, so the wounded could be taken there and have his wounds licked by dogs. Homer himself said in one of his works: "Woe to the man who does not have a dog to lick his wounds ...."
Samoyeds such as the Saluki and Hound Pharaoh are some of oldest races that have existed. We really do not know which one is the oldest, but all have about 5,000 years of existence.
While revolutions happened across Europe and Asia, in Siberia, nomadic tribes kept their lifestyle for several generations. The Samoyeds tribe used their dogs (that later would receive the name of Samoyed) for almost everything and hardly survive in the inhospitable conditions of Siberia without them. These were the dogs, brought from Siberia, which made possible the conquest of the Pole by the explorers like Norwegian Roald Amundsen and the North American Robert Peary. The first men to walk on the South Pole and North Pole, respectively, reached there sled by Samoyeds.
It is believed that the Samoyeds had the starting point at the beginning of the prehistoric period. In Siberia, nomadic families of Mongolian origin began to move in all directions for reasons of conflict with people located further south, or in search of another condition of life. Followed by their dogs, some of these people, directed to the Arctic, for about 1000 years BC, inhabited the entire coastal area, starting from the White Sea to the Taimyr Peninsula and inland to the Yenisei River.
These nomads had the characteristic of being short (approximate measurements of 145cm for men and 130cm for women), dark yellow skin, cheekbones highlighted, but these people eventually became known for two reasons in particular: their dogs and how they treated them!
This tribe of kind and sociable people treated the dogs as members of their family. They never abused of them, the dogs were trained to voice commands, allowed them to walk into their homes (chooms) and even in places where they slept, where they ended up being true heaters alive. They used them in the hunt in general, in grazing and escorting herds of reindeer (caribou), transportation, pulling sleds, where there was a job for each dog according to their age and physical condition.
When the dog was larger, they were used to pull sleds, hunting, others in the conduct of livestock and also had those who were used to guard the camp, and even play with the children. Respect for their dogs was so great that it precluded the work the older and pregnant female dogs.
Thus, these tribes have created in their dogs, link of worship, trust and respect for human beings of pure eternity!
Note: Bjelkier was the name that was called a Samoyed by tribes of Samoyeds. Meaning: "white dog that breeds white."
The Russians in the 18th century began the exploration of Siberia and thus realize the attributes of Bjelkiers. Their grandeur and personality captivated the Tsar's family who was in charge of the protection to foreigners, allowing a very rare copy Samoyed was offered to any member of the European nobility. Not long before they notice their very useful for pulling the sleds of tax collectors and explorers.